What is Lemurian Quartz?
Lemurian Quartz is a kind of quartz that embodies the angelic and cosmic worlds' delicate, loving energy. They can help you attain inner peace and connect with the Divine spirit. It aids one in connecting with the soul's vitality. One can access the programming of the Lemurian race by connecting to a Lemurian Quartz Crystal.

The development of Lemurian crystals is extraordinarily fragile, and this characteristic contributed to the name. When a Lemurian Crystal grows within a cluster, it might become so weak that it falls out into the crystal cave's floor. Ancient communities believed the crystals waiting for them on the ground were seeds of wisdom set for the taking when they came upon these caves.
Lemurian Quartz Meaning
The term "Lemurian quartz" refers to a specific kind of Quartz. They stand out because one or more sides have "barcodes" or growth lines. When you rub your thumb or finger along the side, you can feel the bar codes.
The first traditional Lemurian Quartz crystals exhibited striations (horizontal lines) on every side, with a smooth texture on the remaining sides. Three sides are striated, while the remaining three are smooth. Since then, new Lemurian family kinds have evolved, and it is now widely understood that a Lemurian Seed crystal can have any number of striated sides. Many crystals that are said to be Lemurian contain no striations at all.
Healing Properties of Lemurian Quartz
Lemurian crystals foster a connection with the Divine Feminine, soul unity, and access to ancient Lemurian knowledge and wisdom. It connects you to the healing powers of Lemurian consciousness. It helps people overcome spiritual isolation and sadness. Multiple gifts of empathetic and intuitive consciousness are awakened. Lemurian is regarded as a skilled healer. Seed crystals from the Lemurian period are a unique form of pure Quartz, a silicon dioxide mineral with a hardness of 7. A Lemurian Seed Crystal is easily identified by its distinctive ladder-like grooves that run the length of the crystal from top to bottom.

When handled appropriately, these gorgeous gems are masters of cleansing the energy field, dissolving negativity, eliminating obsolete energy, and renewing the chakra system. Many people claim to have experienced emotional healing after utilizing these stones due to the highly loving frequency of these crystals. The people of Lemuria were said to be intelligent, kind, and loving beings who worked in harmony with the Earth.
Wearing Lemurian Quartz
Lemurian Quartz is a powerful healing gem that may help you clear any form of energy barrier. For healing and meditation work, use a Lemurian Quartz Crystal. The look of Lemurian Crystals is peculiar. On one or more sides of a Lemurian Crystal, you'll see horizontal striations or grooves that look like "barcodes." A Lemurian Crystal's sides usually have alternating striated and smooth faces.

Lemurian Quartz at Home and Work
While they are strong healing crystals, you should use them to focus on your spiritual development rather than on others. However, it would help if you attempted to collaborate with them. Lemurian Quartz crystals may assist you in improving your daily life. While crystal healers can utilize them, they mainly work on themselves.
They are stones that can evoke strong emotions in you. They are a helpful stone to have and utilize daily if you are devoted to your path. Their energy may assist you in resolving deep-seated issues from the past, whether in this incarnation or in a previous life, which may be pretty helpful.
Meditation with Lemurian Quartz
They have an extremely high vibration, much like the other Lemurian Quartz Crystals, which most people can sense. During your crystal meditation, rub your fingertips over these to see if you may make contact with beings from distant star systems. These stones have the standard ladders, but some of the faces of the Starseed Quartz contain what appear to be hieroglyphs. They can bring about healing by helping you to shed karmic-related health issues. Combining these stones with White Heulandite or any other Lemurian crystal will aid your excursions into former lives, particularly those of ancient civilizations like Lemuria and Atlantis.

Lemurian Quartz and Chakras
All of the Lemurian crystals are wands. Wands direct, enhance, and focus the Universal Life Force, offering a significant light source to the healer's healing ability and work. Their assistance with life-threatening sickness involves assisting the heart chakra and the emotional aspect of the healing process, which results in calm and sleep.
When you feel distant and removed from life, these crystals might help you get out of it. Make use of the Lemurian in your recovery. These wands contain tremendous energy that will reconnect you to life. Eliminating the spiritual suffering you've experienced causes the physical, mental, and emotional holes to reappear.
Lemurian Quartz Shapes and Forms
The majority of Lemurian quartz specimens are in the shape of a laser wand, while the rest are in the shape of an egg. They look to be pure quartz stones at first glance. Nonetheless, the former are distinguished by minor variances. These gemstones are often off-white, although they may have a tint of pink-brown that produces lovely reflections when exposed to light. Apart from clear off-white, Lemurian crystals are also known as golden healers and come in a range of hues, including apricot, blue, pink, citrine, and green. They are, nevertheless, largely transparent.
Lemurian Quartz Origin
Lemurian Seed Crystal, commonly known as Lemurian Quartz, is quartz discovered in a unique Brazilian location. The development of Lemurian crystals is extraordinarily fragile, and this characteristic contributed to the name. When a Lemurian crystal grows within a cluster, it might become so weak that it falls out into the crystal cave's floor.
Lemurian Quartz Birthstone and Zodiac Sign
This zodiac sign was regarded as the moment of entrance of the Feminine Divine into the realms of the elemental and physical creation in Lemuria's ancient civilization during the Taurus cycle.
Colorless, Brown, Black. Green, Pink, Violet, White, Yellow, Orange, Purple
3 & 7
helps people overcome spiritual isolation and sadness
helps you attain inner peace and connect with the Divine spirit